Red Thread
The Red Thread of fate.
According to this myth, the gods tied a red cord around the ankles of those who are destined to meet one another, or help each other. It may stretch or tangle but it will never break regardless of place, time, or circumstance.
Laura Makabresku
I haven't yet had the honor of meeting Libby but when an opportunity arose to create a piece for a woman who, among other things, was described as a a proxy Mom for one of my favorite people. It's needless to say that I jumped on that opportunity.
I was told she's an amazing soul, the originator of what ended up being, for one, a lifelong passion for design, and whose heart turns to liquid for moonstone. I was given a timeline for this, and admittedly, it's intention took a little longer to surface. This was to be a gift for the day that marked the 60th year of Libby's birth. It wasn't meant to be just any old thing. It was meant to represent the staple that Libby is in her community, the lives she's touched..
The card which we first gifted to her was quoted with the following. "Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart and nourish your soul." So, when all was said and done, her birthday celebrated, and this project on the horizon, nine souls had contributed to this project.
This should be more than just something very simple, it should be something with a story. While blogging, this myth surfaced. The Japanese myth of The red thread. In a traditional sense, this is applied to a set of two., lovers, friends, whoever they may be. Replacing the red thread with a precious golden one, this seemingly molten moonstone is wrapped underneath 9 times. 9 to symbolize each person who wanted to honor the 60th day of birth for such an "amazing soul".
To many more celebrations Libby, you are very loved and it is my hope that one day I'll get to meet the spirit who now wears this piece. <3